It is like a fresh glass of milk with cinnamon in the form of gelato! Refreshing, healthy, and always natural. Lactose- and sugar-free versions of this flavor are also available!

Cinnamon is one of the most widely used spices in global cuisine. It is used to prepare chocolate in Mexico, served with cognac in digestifs in Greece, it enhances the flavor of dishes in the Middle East, is a “secret ingredient” in bread or cakes baked with apples in Northern Europe and in the United states, or is simply sprinkled on the foam of Italian cappuccino or used to prepare delicious, revitalizing tea. All this because cinnamon is a great natural digestive spice that favors good digestion, sugar metabolism, helps maintain energy levels and agility, relieves muscle pain and arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory action, and is a major source of calcium: A tablespoon provides about 78 mg of calcium!!!


The "source of life," according to Mário de Andrade, coffee originated in Ethiopia and has become a global tradition. In addition to its stimulant properties, coffee is also known for improving your mood and memory. Our gelato is made from selected beans, coming from various parts of the world and ground on the spot, preserving their beneficial properties and highlighting their 100% natural flavor.